Tag Dietitian
7 Signs It’s Time to See a Dietitian
Am I Addicted to Junk Food or is it an Eating Disorder?
Addressing Gastrointestinal Symptoms in ED Recovery
Self-Love After Body Changes
Whether we notice it or not our bodies are constantly changing. Some periods of our lives bring on more changes than others. As we grow from children to adults our bones get bigger so naturally the rest of our body…
Improving Body Image
Improving Body Image Introduction Over the past few weeks, we have been discussing what body image is and other body image-related topics. This week we are going to discuss what different types of body image relationships can look like and…
Body Checking and Body Avoidance
Last week we looked at what body image is. As we continue with the theme of body image-related topics, this week we are going to discuss what body checking and body avoidance are. Body avoidance and body checking are similar…
What is Body Image?
Body image and diet are strongly correlated as one’s body image can impact one’s diet. We have shared a lot of posts regarding intuitive eating and food freedom but have yet to talk much about body image. Body image is…
Ways to Assess Health Aside From Weight
Last week we discussed how to navigate out of range lab values and to not let them determine your health or worth. This week we are continuing with the theme of not letting numbers determine your health and providing other…
Navigating Out of Range Lab Results with Kindness
How many of you have been sent to get routine blood work by a physician only for some of the lab values to come back out of range and be provided information that puts you into panic mode? I know…