Recipes With No Food Rules: Easy Back to School Lunch Ideas


As the back-to-school season approaches, we slowly start to slip back into a routine which involves some planning. Whether it be work or school, generally there is not going to be an abundance of food around so if you want to save some $$, packing your own lunch is the way to go. 

Choosing to not eat lunch has many downfalls such as:

  • Reduced energy
  • Lack of focus/cognition
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Irritability

It can also cause you to eat beyond comfortable fullness when you get back home/finally allow yourself to eat. Your body will most likely be so hungry at this point that it goes for quick digesting foods that are composed of simple carbohydrates. 

When it comes to packing lunches, it can be tough to find a balance between tasty and nutritious. But with a little bit of planning and creativity, you can create delicious and nutritious lunches that will provide you with energy throughout the day. 

Here are our tips to remember for packing a satisfying and satiating lunch:

  • Carbohydrates (2 servings / size of your fist / 1/4 of your plate)
  • Protein (1 serving / Size of your palm up to the midpoint of your fingers / ¼ of your plate)
  • Healthy Fat (1-2 servings / 1-2 thumbs)
  • Fruit (1 cup = 1 serving)
  • Vegetables (1 cup = 1 serving)
  • Fibre (from fruit, vegetables, whole grains)
  • Fun (something sweet, something salty, anything that your body craves)

If you’re a bit stuck on where to start, look no further as today we are going to share two simple lunch ideas!

First Lunch Idea: Veggie Sandwich with Cheddar Crackers, Clementines, and a Rice Krispie Treat

So let’s see how we can apply the helpful tips from above:

  • Carbohydrates: 2 slices of bread = 1 serving, Penguin Crackers = 1 serving ✅
  • Protein: Deli Meat and Cheese ✅
  • Healthy Fat: Cheese, Mayonnaise ✅
  • Fruit: 2 Clementines ✅
  • Vegetables: Cucumber, Peppers, Lettuce (1 cup = 1 serving) ✅
  • Fibre: whole grain bread, vegetables ✅
  • Fun: Rice Krispie Square ✅

Recipes With No Food Rules: Easy Back to School Lunch Ideas

Second Lunch Idea: Thai Chili Tuna with Crackers, Veggies, Cheese, Applesauce, and Yogurt-covered Raisins

So let’s see how we can apply the helpful tips from above: 

  • Carbohydrates: Crackers = 2 servings ✅
  • Protein: Tuna and cheese ✅
  • Healthy Fat: Cheese ✅
  • Fruit: Applesauce ✅
  • Vegetables: Cucumber and Peppers (1 cup = 1 serving) ✅
  • Fibre: whole grain crackers, vegetables, applesauce✅
  • Fun: Yogurt-covered raisins ✅


Packing a nourishing and satisfying lunch can go a long way in supporting you or your loved ones overall health and academic performance. Prioritize lunchtime as an important part of the day, and take the time to build lunches that are both enjoyable and nutritious.For more information or help about how you can build satisfying and satiating meals, book your free discovery call !

Recipes With No Food Rules: Easy Back to School Lunch Ideas (1)

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