
Explore our Nutrition Therapy Blog for resources on intuitive eating, anti-diet mentality, and Health At Every Size principles.

This is a super simple sweet treat that takes minutes to make! One thing about Food Ease is that NO foods are off limits and with time, practice, and kindness we can enjoy ALL foods with ease!
Eating habits and mindsets around food develop from an early age. Researchers have hypothesized that eating habits and behaviors may be associated with different parenting styles and have even suggested that approaching parenting in a certain way can improve a child’s long term relationship with food.
With the results of the National Poll on Healthy Aging, it is clear that an alarming number of older adults are struggling with addiction to junk food. Eating disorders and food addictions share many characteristics and both can have serious consequences on physical, mental, and emotional health. Working with a dietitian to develop personalized strategies to improve nutrition and eating habits can help older adults break their addiction to unhealthy foods and work towards a healthier lifestyle. A dietitian’s role in helping manage food addictions can make all the difference in improving overall health and wellbeing.

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