A balanced smoothie comprises the right blend of macronutrients – protein, carbohydrates, and fats – along with micronutrients from fruits and vegetables. Lastly, let’s be honest, it needs to actually taste good!
One way to embrace a balanced breakfast is with an easy recipe that not only tastes delicious but also nourishes your body – enter Peanut Butter Banana Baked Oatmeal.
This recipe is perfect for a quick breakfast idea paired with a protein source or a sweet treat throughout the day
This is a super simple sweet treat that takes minutes to make! One thing about Food Ease is that NO foods are off limits and with time, practice, and kindness we can enjoy ALL foods with ease!
October is well known for pumpkin spice and everything nice, so we thought it would be fitting to share a pumpkin spice recipe for this month while also touching base on the importance of satiating and satisfying snacks!
Whether it be work or school, generally there is not going to be an abundance of food around so if you want to save some $$, packing your own lunch is the way to go.
In order for a snack to be a snack or a meal to be a meal, we have to ensure we are including a variety of nutrients to help keep us satisfied and satiated.
Avocado is a versatile, functional food, containing fat and fiber,, making it an essential ingredient to keep around for quick meals and snacks. This recipe is perfect for anyone looking for a tasty, nutritious, and filling breakfast that can be ready in minutes.
Ultimately, seeking out professional guidance from experts like RDNs gives us access into specialized knowledge which equips us far better when tackling our unique concerns regarding our health & nutrition.
With the results of the National Poll on Healthy Aging, it is clear that an alarming number of older adults are struggling with addiction to junk food. Eating disorders and food addictions share many characteristics and both can have serious consequences on physical, mental, and emotional health. Working with a dietitian to develop personalized strategies to improve nutrition and eating habits can help older adults break their addiction to unhealthy foods and work towards a healthier lifestyle. A dietitian's role in helping manage food addictions can make all the difference in improving overall health and wellbeing.