Recipes With No Food Rules Series: Make Your Own Nourishing Snack Plate


This month, we’re excited to share our take on the “Girl Dinner” trend that has been going viral on TikTok recently. If you’re not familiar, the trend arose when an individual posted their no-cook dinner recipe using ingredients such as bread, cheese, meat, veggies, and fruit. It didn’t take long for this trend to be blown out of context and made into something restrictive and disordered with individuals sharing their Girl Dinners as a handful of popcorn and a coke zero. Using this trend to promote disordered eating OR seeing these types of videos and thinking it’s okay to have a handful of popcorn for dinner is extremely harmful.

In order for a snack to be a snack or a meal to be a meal, we have to ensure we are including a variety of nutrients to help keep us satisfied and satiated. You can easily turn this snack plate into more of a meal by adding more ingredients and increasing the portions depending on personal preference. 

Here’s how you can put together a snack plate using gentle nutrition principles:

  • Start with the Plate Method: ½ plate veggies/fruit, ¼ carbohydrates, ¼ protein
  • Include some healthy fats (nuts/nut butters, cheese, egg, seeds, olives)
  • Don’t forget fiber: try using a whole grain cracker, or fruits and veggies with the skin left on
  • Keep color in mind: a great way to know you have a balanced meal or snack is by having lots of different colored foods
  • Add a little sweetness: we used dark chocolate
  • Finish with a dip: We used red pepper hummus which is a great source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, but you could use peanut butter, or a greek yogurt dip.
Recipes With No Food Rules Series: Make Your Own Nourishing Snack Plate
Recipes With No Food Rules Series: Make Your Own Nourishing Snack Plate

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