Tag food freedom

Am I Addicted to Junk Food or is it an Eating Disorder?

With the results of the National Poll on Healthy Aging, it is clear that an alarming number of older adults are struggling with addiction to junk food. Eating disorders and food addictions share many characteristics and both can have serious consequences on physical, mental, and emotional health. Working with a dietitian to develop personalized strategies to improve nutrition and eating habits can help older adults break their addiction to unhealthy foods and work towards a healthier lifestyle. A dietitian's role in helping manage food addictions can make all the difference in improving overall health and wellbeing.

Improving Body Image 

Improving Body Image Introduction Over the past few weeks, we have been discussing what body image is and other body image-related topics. This week we are going to discuss what different types of body image relationships can look like and…

What is Body Image?

Body image and diet are strongly correlated as one’s body image can impact one’s diet. We have shared a lot of posts regarding intuitive eating and food freedom but have yet to talk much about body image. Body image is…