Leveling Up Your Ramen


    1. Cook the ramen noodles according to the package instructions.**If adding an egg, you can poach it directly in the boiling water with the noodles once cooked OR boil it separately.
    2. During the last minute of boiling the noodles, add vegetables of choice (ensure they are thinly sliced to cook in time).
    3. Drain water as desired for broth.
    4. Add flavor boosters and mix then add protein of choice.
    5. Top with healthy fats.


  • 1 package ramen noodles
  • Protein Options:
    • Cooked Chicken (strips or shredded)
    • 1 egg (poached or boiled)
    • Firm Tofu, Pan-fried
  • Vegetable Options:
    • Spinach
    • Kale
    • Bok Choy
    • Thinly sliced carrots
    • Mushrooms
    • Thinly sliced bell peppers
  • Healthy Fat Options:
    • Sesame Seeds
    • Avocado, Sliced
  • Flavor Boosters:
    • Low-sodium soy sauce or tamari
    • Grated Ginger
    • Minced Garlic
    • Green Onion
    • Red Pepper Flakes

Welcome to our Recipes With No Food Rules Series, where we celebrate the joy of intuitive eating and wholesome meals that nourish both the body and soul without the food rules


As a dietitian, I often get requests from clients for easy and budget-friendly meal ideas. Ramen noodles can be tasty and comforting, however on their own lack nutrients and macronutrients such as protein and fat to make them a balanced meal. 

The good news is, with a few simple additions, you can transform your basic ramen into a healthier, nutrient-dense meal.


**For more information on creating balanced meals consider purchasing our “Organize Your Plate” slidedeck.


So let’s review how you can elevate your ramen game!


  • Protein:

    • Egg: source of protein, healthy fat, and vitamins A,D,E,K, and B vitamins (found in yolk)

    • Chicken: source of protein and B vitamins
    • Tofu: plant-based protein, high in calcium and iron
  • Vegetables:
    • Leafy greens (spinach, kale, bok choy) are high in Vitamin A & C, Folate, Iron, and fiber
    • Peppers: rich in vitamin A & C add color and crunch
    • Carrots: source of B vitamins 
    • Mushrooms: rich in vitamin D and B6
  • Healthy Fats:
    • Fats are an important part of any meal to aid in satiation
  • Flavor Boosters:
    • Nothing is worse than a bland meal! Diet culture tells us to minimize sauces/flavorings to reduce calories HOWEVER they are important for that satisfaction factor. 
    • You can choose how much of the ramen seasoning pack you add depending on preference. 

By incorporating these nutrient-dense ingredients, you not only enhance the flavor and texture of your ramen but also significantly boost its nutritional value. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With a few modifications, even the simplest meals can become wholesome and satisfying.


Feel free to share this recipe with your friends and family, and let me know how you’ve customized your ramen in the comments below! 

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