A huge part of learning to eat intuitively again is challenging your food rules and rituals. There are often many rules/ways of eating that you have been abiding by for years. Diet culture often inflicts these rules and ways of eating as healthy and normal but are actually disordered ways of eating. It can be extremely hard to acknowledge our food rules and rituals as disordered, however with time, patience, and practice we can slowly begin to challenge our food rules one-by-one on our path to food freedom.
However, before we can begin to challenge our food rules it is so important that we provide our brain with adequate energy to focus, comprehend, and work our way through troublesome food rules. If you have been underfueling your body it will have less energy and motivation to comprehend your food rules. Your intuitive eating journey can only begin when you reach a stage of being adequately nourished by initially focusing on regular and adequate meals.
Beginning the Process
Step 1: Identify Your Food Rules
Step 2: Start Small
Step 3: Repeat!
Why this Matters…
As mentioned above, having to challenge and break your food rules is not easy however it is essential. There are many benefits to challenging and breaking your food rules such as:
Ultimately food rules do more harm than good. If you are ready to honor your body’s unique needs, it is crucial to break restrictive food rules and rituals that do not serve us.
A reminder that if you are having trouble figuring out your food rules, we have a great resource about examining your food rules. Send us an email: hello@foodeaseco.com if you are interested in trying this free resource. After filling in this tool it may be beneficial to meet with one of the dietitians here at Food Ease Co to learn about how you can start to break some of your food rules.
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to contact us! Just leave your email here, and we will get back to you shortly.